General Information
We have full school assemblies at 10:30 am every Wednesday morning. Each time we have a full assembly; one particular class takes responsibility for the programme and presenting. At these assemblies we give out very special certificates for achievement. Class and Principal Achievement certificates are awarded. An attendance cup is awarded to the best class and environmental cup for keeping the classroom surrounds clean and tidy.
Parents are warmly invited to attend our assemblies.
Lost Property
Children need to be reminded to take good care of their clothing. A great deal of expensive clothing is regularly collected but it is not regularly claimed.
Please name your child’s clothing and footwear. If your child has lost an article of clothing, please check the lost property box in the foyer of the Resource room (opposite the staff room).
Personal Information
Often we have to make contact with homes and places of work concerning children who are sick or have had an accident at school. In these situations it is essential that our school records have up to date information.
Keep us informed of:
- Your home phone number and or cell phone number and correct address.
- Your place of work and phone number there.
- The name of an emergency phone contact.
- Any health related information we should know about.
If a child becomes ill or injured at school, we will immediately contact the parents. If parents are not available, the emergency number will be used.
Bible in Schools
Religious instruction takes place for 20 minutes per week on Wednesday mornings. It is available for all our children, depending on the availability of teachers.
You have the right to withdraw your child from this instruction and to do so you need to write to the principal simply stating that you do not wish your child to take part.
Children not attending are supervised in the library.
School Photos
School photos are a special record of your child’s time here. We arrange for a professional photographer to photograph your child once a year. This usually takes place in June. Individual and Class photos are taken also. Photos are taken on a pre-paid basis. You are not obliged to buy photos but are welcome to order them if you wish.
Swimming Pool
It is really important that our children learn to swim and feel confident in water to equip them with skills to survive. We have a well maintained swimming pool which we use during the summer months. Our teachers are qualified to instruct. We do have a Swim safe Programme operating and in Term One of each year we are fortunate to have three professional instructors participate in this to boost the instruction of swimming.