School Vision and Values
Care Mission
Our Goal is to help you Care, Share, and Learn Together
Vision Statement
Cultural Creative Critical Thinkers
Our school has strong community links that enhance learning opportunities across the curriculum. We work to utilize the strengths of our staff and community in order to tailor learning programmes that cater for the multicultural backgrounds of our students. These quality linkages form the basis of our home-school partnership approach to school development.
We celebrate success and strive to provide a positive and safe learning environment. Our school is a focal point in our local community and we encourage feedback, interaction and mutual support as part of our consultation and future development process.
Quality learning and teaching are paramount in our learning institution. We have developed and will continue to develop robust academic programmes that promote thinking, problem solving, exploration and interaction. These programmes are assisted by structured assessment and data gathering to ensure successful learning outcomes and suitability for our learners.
Our students are encouraged to make choices that contribute to a better quality of life through well-being in physical, emotional, spiritual and social health. We reinforce these qualities through examples of positive leadership and the use of role models. Our school values and code of conduct is clearly defined in the ‘Henderson South School Way.’ Our school motto, ‘Caring, Sharing and Learning,’ will underpin our school values and reinforce them.
Our aim is to prepare students for a lifetime of learning and change as a 21st Century Learner. We need to ensure they have the skills to progress to higher learning and to adapt in fast-paced, information based, global community. Our micro learning environment needs to be a reflection of the macro learning environment of our nation and beyond.
The Henderson South School Way:
Be kind, caring and honest
Have pride in yourself
Show good manners
Have a positive attitude
Respect yourself and consider others
Follow instructions
Work co-operatively
Play fair
Take care of your own property and value your school environment
Speak positively
Care share and learn
Local Goals
Of significance to the school and its community are:
Respect and celebration of all cultures represented in our school community
Providing a safe environment that facilitates positive learning outcomes
The need for programmes that meet the individual needs of students
The Henderson South School Way
Promote school motto ‘Caring, Sharing, Learning ‘and to link this with Well Being for Success
School focus – At Henderson South School we will improve achievement in Literacy and Numeracy with an emphasis on Reading